Greek Women Composers

Greek Women Composers

A project about Greek Women Composers

A comprehensive catalog about Greek Women Composers

Information, bio notes, chronological nad alphabetic catalogs

Biographical notes

Information about the life and work of Greek Women Composers

Chronological index

Chronological presentation of Greek Women Composers based on their birth year

Alphabetic Catalog

Comprehensive alphabetic catalog of our archive

Alphabetic index

Full catalog of Greek Women Composers

Project Team

People that worked for the project

Anastasia Georgaki
Anastasia GeorgakiProfessor NKUA
Alexandros Kapsokavadis
Alexandros KapsokavadisEthnomusicologist
Kostas Katsantonis
Kostas KatsantonisMusicologist, Sound engineer

Musical Bounce Back

An Erasmus+ Project

Within the framework of the work co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, titled “Musical Bounce Back,” the Athens Department of Music Studies has committed to creating a website. This website hopes, in the upcoming years, to include all the female composers of Greek music.


Biographical and work-related information

The goal of those who participated in the aforementioned venture, as well as those responsible for the design and update of this online space, is to honor those musicians who take on the responsibility of creation; all those composers, melodists, or songwriters who dare to share their personal artistic concerns with the public.

Latest additions

Historic and work-related info